Invisalign vs. Braces: Making the Right Choice for Your Smile

Hi, Dr Jeremy Hockey here from St Ives Smiles.  Deciding between Invisalign and traditional braces is a significant choice when it comes to achieving a straighter, more confident smile. As your trusted Dentist in St ives, I’m here to help you navigate this decision and understand the pros and cons of each treatment option. Ultimately, the choice will depend on your unique orthodontic needs, and seeking professional advice is key.

If you prefer to come in and discuss your options, we would love to see you. You can book an appointment below.

The Basics: Braces vs. Invisalign

Braces are typically made of metal and are attached to the outside of your teeth. However, modern advancements offer alternatives like ceramic and lingual (behind-the-teeth) braces. Metal wires and rubber bands work in conjunction with brackets to gradually correct orthodontic issues.

Invisalign, on the other hand, utilises clear, custom-fitted plastic aligners. These clear aligners are meticulously crafted for each patient based on a 3D scan of their mouth. They work by gently moving the teeth in precise increments until the desired alignment is achieved.

Advantages of Invisalign

  1. Aesthetically Pleasing: Invisalign aligners are virtually invisible, making them an appealing choice for adults and self-conscious teenagers. You can confidently continue with your daily activities without anyone noticing your orthodontic treatment.
  1. Dining Freedom: With Invisalign, you have the convenience of removing your aligners while eating. This means no dietary restrictions, allowing you to enjoy your favourite foods without worry.
  1. Easy Oral Hygiene: Aligners can be easily removed for brushing and flossing, ensuring that your oral hygiene routine remains unchanged. Unlike braces, there are no brackets or wires to navigate around.
  1. Reduced Office Visits: Invisalign treatment requires fewer in-office visits for adjustments compared to braces, making it more convenient for your schedule.
  1. Comfortable Wear: Invisalign aligners are made from a special plastic that minimises mouth and gum irritation. Unlike braces, there are typically no painful cuts or salt washes required.

Disadvantages of Invisalign

  1. Patient Discipline: The flexibility of removing aligners can be both an advantage and a drawback. You must commit to wearing them for 20-22 hours daily; failing to do so can affect treatment outcomes.
  1. Inconvenient Removal: Aligners must be removed before eating and drinking (except water) in public places. Proper cleaning is also required before reinserting them, adding a level of inconvenience.
  1. Cost Considerations: Invisalign costs can be comparable to braces, and in some cases, more complex orthodontic issues may require supplementary braces treatment, increasing overall costs.
  1. Effectiveness Varies: Invisalign may not be suitable for complex orthodontic cases. It’s crucial to consult with your orthodontist to determine the most effective treatment for your unique situation.

Advantages of Braces

  1. Versatility: Braces are suitable for all types of orthodontic issues, including complex cases, as they provide powerful and customizable tooth movement.
  1. Achieve Optimal Results: Braces exert more force than Invisalign, allowing for a potentially better outcome in terms of teeth alignment.
  1. Multiple Options: Modern braces include alternatives like lingual and ceramic braces, providing aesthetic choices for those concerned about the appearance of traditional metal braces.
  1. Faster Treatment: Braces can be quicker at closing gaps and aligning teeth, which may be appealing to individuals looking for shorter treatment times.

Disadvantages of Braces

  1. Aesthetics: Traditional braces may not appeal to everyone due to their visible appearance, potentially leading to self-consciousness in certain social settings.
  1. Oral Hygiene Challenges: Brushing and flossing can be more challenging with braces, requiring careful cleaning to prevent plaque buildup, staining, and decay.
  1. Dietary Restrictions: Hard and sticky foods can damage braces, leading to wire breakage or bracket dislodgment. This may result in prolonged treatment time.
  1. Regular Office Visits: Braces necessitate more frequent orthodontist visits for adjustments, which may be less convenient for some individuals.

Choosing Your Orthodontic Journey

The decision between Invisalign and braces should be based on your specific needs and preferences. Prioritise what matters most to you and ask questions to ensure you have all the necessary information. Ultimately, a consultation with your dentist is crucial to determine the ideal treatment method for your unique orthodontic situation.

At St Ives Smiles, we’re dedicated to helping you achieve the smile of your dreams. Whether you opt for Invisalign or braces, our experienced team will guide you every step of the way. Book an appointment today and embark on your journey to a confident, straighter smile!


  • Dr Jeremy Hockey

    Meet Dr. Jeremy Hockey, a passionate dentist and the owner of St Ives Smiles. Graduating from the University of Melbourne in 2014, he brings extensive experience from private practices in Sydney and Melbourne. Dr. Hockey's interest in Orthodontics, encompassing traditional braces and clear aligners, shines through his additional training in these areas.
